Monday, April 11, 2011

Discover Your Potential

Here are a few things you can do to embrace your inner child, uncover your hidden talents, and get your creative juices flowing:

Imagine. Take a daydream break.

Express  Yourself.  You don't have to be any good at it, just do something, anything, that is artistic.

Take Notes.  Keep a notepad handy, at all times, to write down new ideas.

Experience.  Whether it's a hot bath, a hike in the woods, or taking a moment to smell the roses, engaging your senses will inspire your creativity.

Play.  Children are good at making up games, so take a cue from your children or grandchildren and join in on the fun!

Change. Routine leads to the rut of boredom.  Change some aspect of your daily routine and gain a new perspective.

Use Your Hands.  Try knitting, play a game of handball, make shadown puppets, or pick out a tune on your grandfather's banjo.

Create.  Carve out some quiet time every day to be alone and explore/expand upon all of your newfound creative ideas and endeavors.

Adapted from The Good Among The Great:  19 Traits of the most admirable, creative, and joyous people.
Donald Van De Mark


Artistic growth is, more than it is anything else,
a refining of the sense of truthfulness.
Willa Cather
The Song Of The Lark

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